Hope in Pain

Whatever God does is ultimately a miracle for our pleasure. Even the punishments are ultimately for our pleasure even though they may cause pains in our bodies. Biologically, what is pain? Different nerve endings go through certain transformations that create signals, which come out as pain. It is an unbelievable creation…

Deity and Omnipresent God

Many times people ask, “If God is omnipresent, why worship a Deity?” If God is omnipresent, is He not present in the Deity as well? If we are honest and realistic, we can very easily understand that to fix our mindon God who is present every where and in everything…

Love Means to Give

The essential need within every living being is to seek pleasure. What do people do for pleasure? Now, different types of living entities have different standards of pleasure and they work in different ways to achieve them. For a little ant, the pleasure …