Entangling Web

The network of material illusion has been created with great sophistication. Every time we deviate from the principle of servitude, we become more and more entangled in the complexities of material bondage. It is a vicious cycle. Every thought, word and deed, performed in an…

Calm Caves

It is interesting how in both Eastern and Western spirituality great renounced persons would often perform their prayer and worship in the caves of the mountains. It is in the spirit of simplicity and renunciation—simplicity in that it’s completely natural, it is provided by God Himself. There is no need to…

The Quest for Truth

Sometimes it is said that man is a rational animal. Now, if you take away the rationality, man is an animal. Now, what does it mean to be rational? Rational means to be able to discriminate what is truth. If we do not live for the truth, if we do …

Anything Good Entails a Struggle to Preserve

Anything good entails

There’s always a battle between the higher and lower natures, both within the hearts of every living entity and the external world. For example, our virtuous or spiritual nature is always under attack by our lower nature. Propensity to do good activities is…