Radhanath Swami Speaks on ‘I’ and ‘Mine’

This sense of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ individually and collectively is creating chaos on personal, national, and international levels. No politician or United Nations can solve the root cause of these problems. They can deal with the symptoms and try to somehow or the other make it a little bearable. The solution is we have to give up the sense that ‘I am this body’ and those things in relation to this body are ‘mine.’ The solution to the problem is to enlighten the consciousness of humanity.

By Radhanath Swami

By RNS Articles

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  1. Radhanath Swami gives the complete & perfect solution for all conflicts at different levels, that is to raise our consciousness !
    Thank you very much Radhanath Swami !
    Hare Krishna !

  2. If ‘I’ and ‘mine’had not been there, we wouldn’t be here in this material world. We need pure souls like HH Radhanath Swami to get us out this ‘I’ and ‘mine’ syndrome.

  3. nice article.. we dont need temporary solutions for permanant problems.. we need permanant solutions and Maharaj is a right guide for the same. JAI !!!

  4. Without understanding the position of God as All-Supreme and our position as His eternal servants, it is impossible to avoid being bodily conscious.

  5. So very true. Radhanath Swami, explains that we love ‘our’ country, not because, we really selflessly love it, but because ‘I’ am associated with this country.

    Real selflessness extends to all living entities, not just the one’s belonging to our country or race or ethnicity or religion etc.

  6. I and Mine keeps one away from Divine. Radhanath Swami is rightly pointing out what we must watch out for

  7. Very nice instruction from Radhanath Swami. If everyone follows these instructions with simple heart, all the problems will go away, because then everyone’s heart would be filled with the Lord and everyone else.

  8. Its true peace mantra, somebody have rightly said until we have universal fatherhood it is impossible to universal brotherhood, which modern politicians/philosophers forget. Onec we identify our self as soul and not body then we will see every living entity as part & parcel of God and then only real love will arise in everybody heart.

  9. the root cause of chaos on personal, national, and international levels is‘I am this body’ and those things in relation to this body are ‘mine.’

  10. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for the perfect diagnosis and the solution. You have practically demonstrated the solution through various projects that are flourishing and helping more and more people to elevate their God consciousness.

  11. Radhanath Swami explains the real problem of the chaos in this world & the solution to cure it also.

  12. How nicely Radhanath Swami is going to the root of real problem and giving solution to it. Thanks for sharing.

  13. This solution to be adopted by all people so this concept of I and mine will subdued and the aroma of Selfishness reflects through corruption can be reduced.

  14. Radhanath Swami goes to the root cause and solution of every problem. Just dealing with the symptoms of these problems can never give a permanent solution. We have to change the consciousness of the people by cleaning their hearts, then automatically external things will be set right.

  15. The true ‘I’ is understanding that ‘I am a servant of God and all living beings are my brothers and sisters’

  16. Sincere practice of the instructions of saints like Radhanath Swami and the scriptures can alone rid us of this disease.

  17. Radhanath Swami has rightly pointed out that it is the false sense of proprietorship which is the root cause of all differences & fighting amongst each other at every level. The only way to eliminate these differences is to abide by the law of God as ordained in the Vedic scriptures.

  18. Listening to a saint opens up the channels of your brain to understandings that change your life in a positive way.

  19. “aham amameti” – me and mine wonderfully explained, solving chaos not possible on the me and mine bodily platform but only on the spiritual platform. Maharaj has dedicated his life to enlighten the consciousness of Humanity.

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