Radhanath Swami on ‘Mind – Best Friend or Worst Enemy?’

Trying to practice yoga while engaging the mind in material enjoyment is like trying to ignite a fire while at the same time pouring water upon it. Yoga practice without mental control is of little or no value. The mind can be controlled by engaging it constantly in the transcendental…

Radhanath Swami describes the process of joy which gives birth to eternal joy

In the great religions of the world there are many processes or disciplines to help allow the light of love to shine from our hearts, to help purify our hearts from all of the unwanted qualities which are like the cloud covering the sun-like soul. According to the Srimad Bhagavatam…

Radhanath Swami explains how yoga means unity

What is the meaning of yoga? Yoga means unity. What is the meaning of religion? Religion comes from the Greek word religio, which means “to bind back, to be in harmony, to be in unity.” Every living being has a body, a mind and a consciousness. The consciousness is the energy emanating from the …

Clouds and Moon

During the rainy season, we cannot see the moon because it is covered by the clouds. The clouds, however, are radiant with the glow of the moon’s rays. Similarly, in our material existence we cannot directly perceive the soul, because our consciousness is covered by the cloud-like false ego, the false identification…

Hope in Pain

Whatever God does is ultimately a miracle for our pleasure. Even the punishments are ultimately for our pleasure even though they may cause pains in our bodies. Biologically, what is pain? Different nerve endings go through certain transformations that create signals, which come out as pain. It is an unbelievable creation…