Radhanath Swami explains how failures can be the stepping stones to success

My spiritual master used to say that it is a material principle that failure is the pillar of success, but it can also be applied to our spiritual lives. One very famous speaker has said, “Success is going from failure to failure to failure, without losing one’s enthusiasm.” We really never fail until we give up trying—trying with…

Compassion – The Highest Spiritual Truth

The fundamental need of all of us is love. Every living being is looking for pleasure—from the insignificant insect to the kings and prime ministers. Everyone is seeking pleasure, but there is only one pleasure that can reach the heart, and that is the pleasure of experiencing the heart’s need to

The Quest for Truth

Sometimes it is said that man is a rational animal. Now, if you take away the rationality, man is an animal. Now, what does it mean to be rational? Rational means to be able to discriminate what is truth. If we do not live for the truth, if we do not live on the basis… Continue reading The Quest for Truth

Radhanath Swami – Kirtan and Harmony

When we are chanting the holy names in congregation, if the leader of the kirtan sings one melody and everybody in the group decides to sing in whatever melody they like best, the resulting sound won’t be so melodious. Therefore, whether we like the melody or don’t like the melody…