Radhanath Swami speaks on ‘Good and Evil’

The native American Indians have a way of explaining the internal conflict within all of us. They say that within the hearts or the minds of all of us are two dogs: a good dog and a bad dog. The bad dog is howling for vengeance, for immoral reckless action. And the good dog is calling out for…

Radhanath Swami speaks on the foundation to excel

“A really successful person is one who sees a positive opportunity in every situation in life. Even in the darkest tragedies and traumas, there must be something to learn, some wisdom, some growth, some opportunity.” – Radhanath Swami Everyone seeks happiness. True happiness is a product of inner fulfillment. Through the ages, sincere people have turned… Continue reading Radhanath Swami speaks on the foundation to excel

Who is Radha?

Krishna, who is the one supreme absolute truth, expands himself as Radha or Srimati Radharani, who is the source of energies of the Lord. Srimati Radharani is love and compassion personified. Thus Krishna is the supreme object of love and Srimati Radharani is the supreme abode of love. She is the…

Compassion – The Highest Spiritual Truth

The fundamental need of all of us is love. Every living being is looking for pleasure—from the insignificant insect to the kings and prime ministers. Everyone is seeking pleasure, but there is only one pleasure that can reach the heart, and that is the pleasure of experiencing the heart’s need to