If you look towards God, you will see there is only light. However, if you look away from God, then you are going to see darkness caused by your own shadow. Man creates evil, and evil creates sufferings.
Tag: good
Radhanath Swami speaks on ‘Good and Evil’
The native American Indians have a way of explaining the internal conflict within all of us. They say that within the hearts or the minds of all of us are two dogs: a good dog and a bad dog. The bad dog is howling for vengeance, for immoral reckless action. And the good dog is calling out for…
Anything Good Entails a Struggle to Preserve
There’s always a battle between the higher and lower natures, both within the hearts of every living entity and the external world. For example, our virtuous or spiritual nature is always under attack by our lower nature. Propensity to do good activities is…