Radhanath Swami on ‘What touches the heart?’

Accomplishments, they come, they go. They can’t touch our heart. But the accomplishment of love, the accomplishment of living by our values, the accomplishment of actually sustaining compassion and growing higher and higher and higher and higher with affection among each other, that’s something beautiful. – Radhanath Swami A Global Conference is organized by the… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on ‘What touches the heart?’

Categorized as Love

Radhanath Swami on ‘Watering the root’

When you water the root of the tree, the water naturally extends to every leaf, every branch, every twig and every flower of that tree. The Absolute Truth is from whom everything emanates, in other words the Absolute Truth is the root. When we water the root the tree of our heart, when we actually… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on ‘Watering the root’

Radhanath Swami says we all have infinite significance!

One of my dearest god sisters who was like a mother to me, she was on her death bed in London. I left from Mumbai to go to visit her. By God’s grace I happened to just come the day before she passed away. A very independent, active , dynamic lady who loved to get… Continue reading Radhanath Swami says we all have infinite significance!

Radhanath Swami on Pain-ananda

Sometimes, the ecstasy of love is in pain. But when in spiritual love that pain is in ecstasy. When pain is due to frustration or ego or frustrated selfish desires, that pain is pain. But when pain is born out of unselfish compassion, with a spirit of service and love, that pain is anand. –… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Pain-ananda