Radhanath Swami explains the perfection of yoga

Taj Mahal! The person who built this incredible monument, Shah Jahan, can you imagine what power, what influence, what wealth he had to make this as a tomb for his wife! How many tombs are there like this in this world?!

Categorized as Yoga

Radhanath Swami’s humorous description of Hanuman’s yoga

  “This is Hanuman’s yoga: giving pleasure to Lord Rama.”- Radhanath Swami My guru Srila Prabhupad used to say that our beloved Lord does not see the things that we offer. He is Sarvalokamaheshwaram. (Krishna tells in the Gita that he is already the proprietor and the source of everything that exists.) However, the Lord… Continue reading Radhanath Swami’s humorous description of Hanuman’s yoga

Radhanath Swami on ‘The Yoga of Everything’

  “As a person approaches God, Krishna, he reciprocates accordingly. If we give all of our heart to Krishna, Krishna gives himself to us.”-Radhanath Swami The capacity of what we have to give to Krishna, in relation to infinity, is a drop. But yet that drop, when it is offered with love, it is more… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on ‘The Yoga of Everything’

Radhanath Swami says that we are all looking for love

  “The soul by nature, constitutionally and eternally, is meant to love. And that is why the world is so mad to express love, to channel this propensity to love someone, somewhere and somehow.” – Radhanath Swami What kind of songs do most people listen to? What kind of novels do most people read? What… Continue reading Radhanath Swami says that we are all looking for love

Radhanath Swami on ‘Oneness in the Bhakti tradition’

Every living being is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord Krishna, like a sunray to the sun. Qualitatively a sunray gives heat and light like the sun, but quantitatively the sunray is always just part of the sun; it’s never the sun. And the sunray is always coming from the sun; the sun never comes from the… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on ‘Oneness in the Bhakti tradition’

Radhanath Swami explains how yoga means unity

What is the meaning of yoga? Yoga means unity. What is the meaning of religion? Religion comes from the Greek word religio, which means “to bind back, to be in harmony, to be in unity.” Every living being has a body, a mind and a consciousness. The consciousness is the energy emanating from the …

Yoga of Work – Radhanath Swami

Yoga means to reconnect our consciousness with God, and the yoga of work is to connect our work with God. How do we connect our work with God? By doing it in proper spiritual consciousness. It is not that we have to