Square Peg In a Round Hole

Material existence is a place of much confusion and suffering. The reason for that is that the eternal soul, whose nature is to find unlimited happiness in a natural love for God, is trying to find that same love through…

Work as an act of worship by Radhanath Swami

Work as an act of worship by Radhanath Swami

Our whole life should be an act of worship. We should aim for spiritual purification in order to have this consciousness 24 hours a day. While remembering God offer every word, every act and every thought to Him. The perfection of life is

Our whole life should be an act of worship. We should aim for spiritual purification in order to have this consciousness 24 hours a day. While remembering God offer every word, every act and every thought to Him. The perfection of life is

Yoga of Work – Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami - Yoga of work

Yoga means to reconnect our consciousness with God, and the yoga of work is to connect our work with God. How do we connect our work with God? By doing it in proper spiritual consciousness. It is not that we have to

Work in Divine Consciousness

Radhanath Swami on Work in divine consciousness

Many people say that work is worship. They feel that if they do not do anything harmful to anyone and work throughout the day that is all they have to do. They do not have to just sit at one place and think the name of

Work In Unity With God

Radhanath Swami on Work in unity with GOd

There is a need for everyone’s contribution in society. But real need is that everyone performs his or her natural quality of work in unity with the will of God, in devotion to Krishna. Through that process, there is inner contentment; there is a dignity of spirituality that brings true

The Art of Work – Article by Radhanath swami

Radhanath Swami on art of work

The Gita teaches that we can perform the perfection of yogic process by doing our duty in divine consciousness. In Gita, Krishna tells what type of work is worship. “When work is done in devotion to God in service to humanity that work will liberate us from all the bondage …

Radhanath Swami on Work according to our qualities

Radhanath Swami on Work according to our qualitits

Krishna describes in the Gita that He created the caste system according to one’s qualities and the work one does in the world. Nowhere does Krishna categorize caste by birth. Of course if one is born in the family of doctors, the atmosphere is  more conducive for one to be …