Radhanath Swami on the nature of human ego

  “This is the nature of human ego: we become so filled with anxieties when we have expectations, because the nature of this world is that you always don’t get what you expect.” – Radhanath Swami If we expect good weather and it is bad weather, it’s very disturbing. If we expect respect from our… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on the nature of human ego

Radhanath Swami on ‘Understanding Meditation’

There are different forms of meditations in every religious tradition and practically in every denomination of each religious tradition. What is most important is our sincerity and the willingness to really absorb ourselves in that particular process. Some meditate on a silent mantra…

Clouds and Moon

During the rainy season, we cannot see the moon because it is covered by the clouds. The clouds, however, are radiant with the glow of the moon’s rays. Similarly, in our material existence we cannot directly perceive the soul, because our consciousness is covered by the cloud-like false ego, the false identification…