Radhanath Swami speaks of the responsibilities of doctors

  “There is a saying in English, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ Disease is a time of great need.”- Radhanath Swami. Generally, a person comes to a doctor when they are helpless. Otherwise, why go to a doctor, if you can fix yourself? Why pay money? Why do all the traveling? Why take… Continue reading Radhanath Swami speaks of the responsibilities of doctors

Real Leadership

There are many books that teach you various leadership techniques to fatten your bank balance, to climb up the corporate ladder, to have more power, to control people’s lives and to inflate your ego accordingly. But what about a type of leadership by which we can make a very serious, significant contribution…

Radhanath Swami on Lust and Ego

The fact is the living entity is pleasure seeking. We cannot stop looking for pleasure whoever we are. Even mystic yogis—we have seen them, we have lived with them, we have shared our lives with them–they are way up in the jungle in freezing cold winter,