Radhanath Swami reveals the secret of happiness

Chipped rice, how much does it cost? It’s very cheap and unless you put some really exotic things in it, it doesn’t taste very nice. In those days when I used to be a sadhu begging in Himalayas, people would give me a handful of chipped rice because it practically costs nothing. But when you… Continue reading Radhanath Swami reveals the secret of happiness

Radhanath Swami describes the process of joy which gives birth to eternal joy

In the great religions of the world there are many processes or disciplines to help allow the light of love to shine from our hearts, to help purify our hearts from all of the unwanted qualities which are like the cloud covering the sun-like soul. According to the Srimad Bhagavatam…

Radhanath Swami on Lust and Ego

The fact is the living entity is pleasure seeking. We cannot stop looking for pleasure whoever we are. Even mystic yogis—we have seen them, we have lived with them, we have shared our lives with them–they are way up in the jungle in freezing cold winter,