Real Happiness – Radhanath Swami

Real self happiness

Real self happiness

First of all we must know that in our own life our real happiness is not in chasing temporary illusions of this world, but rather is in finding true peace in the self. But that is not enough because the real happiness of that peace is in distributing it to others. According to our capacity, according to what we have and what we can do, we should live for the welfare of others. If we have a good intelligence, we should use our good intelligence to elevate others in devotion to God. If we have a strong body, we should use our strong body under the direction of a Guru to elevate others in devotion to God. If we have wealth, prestige, then we should use these things for the elevation of all other living beings in devotion to God. That is the greatest service to God and this according to Vedic scriptures is the only platform of real peace.

-Radhanath Swami

By RNS Articles

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  1. Thank you Radhanath Swami for telling us to utilize everything in uplifting others in their devotional life.

  2. “If we have a good intelligence, we should use our good intelligence to elevate others in devotion to God.” very wonderful sayinh by Radhanath swami

  3. “… according to what we have and what we can do, we should live for the welfare of others.”

    Thank you…

  4. our real happiness lies in serving others and devotees of LORD to whatever extent we can. nice quotes from maharaj. thank you maharaj.

  5. Real Happiness is felt in the heart only when we serve the Lord and his devotees

  6. Yes it is absolutly right.Therefore our acharyas and Radhanath Swamiji always urge us to spread the knowledge of Krishna-consciousness.And in true spirit of humility when we distribute this knowledge to others and see them progressing on path of devotional life then we are more pleased.Thank you very much.

  7. Real happiness is when we give/share our happiness with others, wonderful! Thank you very much Radhanath Swami.

  8. As per our disposal, we should use everything in the service of Krishna and this is very beautifully taught by Gurudev!!! Jai Gurudev.

  9. By following your instructions I hope to be an instrument in spreading real happiness as desired by Srila Prabhupada and all the great acharyas.

  10. Helping others to get love of God is pleasing God. Very good advice. Use what we possess to help others. All glories to Radhanath Swami.

  11. Thank you Radhanath swami for this post. In essnece we can be happy by connencting others to root source of hapiness, love of God. By giving real hapiness to others, we can be happy

  12. Radhanath Swami is perfect example when it comes to extending oneself to others

  13. isn’t it so;possesing any opulence pumps in a kind of fear&invites troubles. But, engaging the opulence in god’s service removes the fear & gives a person real shelter&strength

  14. Teachings of Radhanath Swami are indeed practical.Thank you very much Radhanath Swami .

  15. Thank you Radhanath Maharaj for explaining the meaning of real happiness. It means that the message of God reaches out to all.

  16. How Radhanath Swami nicely guiding us how to use our senses in God service that will give us the real happiness.

  17. It helps us to understand that how we can utilize our body, mind & words in the service of lord Krishna. Thank very much maharaj for giving us the wonderful realisation

  18. Yes, welfare for others is the main spiritual goal, provided this welfare work is beneficial to the soul.

  19. Wonderful post. Serving others gives us a certain kind of happiness that we cannot compare or achieve by doing anything else in this world.

  20. Utilization of everything for Krishna, Great Thanks to H.H Radhnath Swami Maharaj for explaining great things in simple words.

  21. Maharj showing the way in which we should mould our lives using our capacities in the service of Lord.

  22. Radhanath Swami preaches by personal practical example. He has been using his body, wealth, wisdom all in service of God to elevate other souls.
    This to me is very inspiring.

  23. Wonderful article ! in fact very nice instructions for every one.

    All Glories to HH Radhanath swami maharaj

  24. Very wonderful message, using whatever we have in the service of the lord and to evevate others to the devotiuon of the lord. Thank you very much Radhanath Swami maharaj

  25. “we should live for the welfare of others” – Radhanath Swami’s life is a perfect example…lot to learn from him…

  26. Very nicely explained by Radhanath Swami. Whatever good qualities we have been adorned with, we should use that in serving others and helping them in theri pursuit for spiritual progress.


  28. Indeed. A life lived for the welfare of others, sacrificing one’s own many pleasures & comforts, simply for the welfare of others & that too, in relation to increasing their devotion to God is the most satisfying thing one can ever achieve. Teachings of Radhanath Swami are indeed practical.

  29. Instructions from a Realized personality will help conditioned soul to look for real wealth within

  30. Each one of us has recd this gift of Krsna Consciousness due to the principles set out by your previous Acharyas to give it to the society at large. Radhanath Maharaj is continuing the legacy.

  31. Thank You Maharaj for teaching that – Real hapiness is in sharing love of god with others.

  32. Topmost service is to bring living entity at lotus feet of krishna. Thank You Maharaj.

  33. It’s amazing to see how maharaj doesn’t stop at finding peace within oneself but rather stresses on the need to share it with others to whatever extent we can with our capacities.

  34. Radhanath Swami is sharing a unique dimension to ‘Peace’. Not just to find peace within but to distribute it to others!

  35. We hope and pray that by Radhanath Swami Maharaj’s blessings, we can sincerely employ everything we have in service to Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

  36. Being selfless and to elevate others in devotion to God gives us real self hapiness. Thank U very much MAHARAJ for giving us the realization

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