Radhanath Swami on ‘Mind – Best Friend or Worst Enemy?’

Trying to practice yoga while engaging the mind in material enjoyment is like trying to ignite a fire while at the same time pouring water upon it. Yoga practice without mental control is of little or no value. The mind can be controlled by engaging it constantly in the transcendental…

Who is Radha?

Krishna, who is the one supreme absolute truth, expands himself as Radha or Srimati Radharani, who is the source of energies of the Lord. Srimati Radharani is love and compassion personified. Thus Krishna is the supreme object of love and Srimati Radharani is the supreme abode of love. She is the…

Compassion – The Highest Spiritual Truth

The fundamental need of all of us is love. Every living being is looking for pleasure—from the insignificant insect to the kings and prime ministers. Everyone is seeking pleasure, but there is only one pleasure that can reach the heart, and that is the pleasure of experiencing the heart’s need to