“Love of God is dormant in everyone’s heart, but we have forgotten it. All problems and conflicts in the world are due to this forgetfulness.” – Radhanath Swami
Our minds and senses have become so externalized that the treasure of love for/of God within our hearts has been forgotten.
If we forget something that we have, it is as good as not having it. If we have millions of rupees in our bank account but have forgotten about it, then it is as good as not having it with the result that we might have to sleep on streets like poor people although that money belongs to us.
However, there’s a way to overcome such forgetfulness of our love for/of God. By associating with holy people, by chanting God’s name, by living a humble and grateful life, our love for God is re-awakened in our hearts. When this love for God re-awakens in our hearts, then the quality of compassion awakens and we want to share that love of God with others. Compassion is the natural by-product of love for/ of God.
– Radhanath Swami
True spiritual leaders like Radhanath Swami are expert in diagnosing the problem and even curing it.
Radhanath Swami’s depth of realization is simply superb.
all problems are due to forgetfulness of our real position..
Beautiful article by Radhanath swami. I Pray and hope to emulate these nectarine instructions of the SWAMI…
Many thanks to Radhanath swami for this wonderful article
Very nice article to over come all our problems. All glories to HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja.
Thank you for this article.
Hare Krishna…Radhanath Swami Ki Jai !
This is very interesting article. Forgetfulness is the cause of everything. This is the reason people condemn or criticize the God. If our society develops as God centric, then where is the question of discrimination or hatred for others.
Very short but meaningful article. Thank you for this post!
Great post!
Thank you very much Maharaj!!
Hare Krshna…Radhanath Swami KI Jai !
HH Radhanath Swami nicely explains our real problem is the forgetgulness of God.
Thank you for this beautiful post.
Nicely explained the result of forgetfulness and how to re awaken one’s love of Godhead.
wonderful article.
Thank you Maharaj for your divine words only due to which we are able to remember and revive our eternal relationship with God.
“If we want to call out for the mercy and witness the unlimited glory of God, we have to be humble. This way we can progress in life.” Thank you very much for this nice advice.
this article awakens us from slumber.
Radhanath Swami’s example about being a millionaire but forgetting that goes straight to the heart.
If we dont have love for god we actually dont have love for others..
Dear Guru Maharaj….your every word is a direction in my life and so is this article.
Nice article……
fantastic explanation
Maharaj has rightly pointed out the root cause of all issues of world !
if we chant the name with humility and sincerity our dormant krsna consciousness will be awaken
Radhanath Swami has not only explained the cause of our suffering (forgetfulness of our relationship with Krishna) but has also explained the way in which we can get out of this problem (sincerely and humbly calling out for Krishna’s holy names in association of His devotees). True spiritual leaders like Radhanath Swami are expert in diagnosing the problem and even curing it.
thanks for sharing this
Humility is the cure for all our problems. Thank you Swamiji.
Thank you very much for sharing this nice article.
Radhanath Swami’s thoughts on this subject is an eye opener. Most of us think that Love of God is a gift to only a chosen few and it is absolutely okay if most of us do our family and professional duties properly. Only the people in the renounced order of life need to perform activities regarding spiritual matters.
as Radhanath Swami explains humility is the key..
thanks for sharing such nice realization
Striking realisation. Thank you maharaj for enlightenment.
Wow! simply put in the right perspective by Radhanath Maharaj
Thank you for reminding us about our real problem – forgetfulness of God.
Very nice explanation of real caus eof our problems – forgetfulness of our eternal relationship with the Lord
Very beautifully explained .Thank you Radhanath Maharaj ! Hare Krsna !
Our minds and senses have become so externalized that the treasure of love for/of God within our hearts has been forgotten.-very true
thank you very much maharaj for reminding us about our true nature which we have forgotten.
Thanks for guiding us.
very well explanation.