Blessings of a Sadhu by Radhanath Swami

Blessings of sadhu by Radhanath Swami

Blessings of sadhu by Radhanath Swami

A sadhu’s duty is to give us an understanding of how to realize God, which is the only solution to all the problems of the world. When people come to a sadhu asking for a material blessing—money, health or good partner—their hearts are closed.

They are not receptive to the real blessing that the sadhu can give them, which is love of God, self realization.

If we approach him to inquire submissively, ‘What is the Truth?’, and to offer our service, then at that time our hearts are open to receive the supreme blessings of God. But if we ask for something cheap, some temporary article of the world or some temporary state of the world, the sadhu cannot give us the real thing that God has sent him to give. Therefore, if we really want the blessing of a great soul, there is only one way to get it: we inquire submissively, ‘Please instruct me what is the goal of life? What is best for me? How can I serve you?’ When we approach in this way, then we are the perfect recipients of God’s full mercy. Then the true blessing of life becomes ours.

By Radhanath Swami

By RNS Articles

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