Spiritual Practices at Home – Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami on Spiritual practises at home

Radhanath Swami on Spiritual practises at home

We should make a little temple in our house.  Put it in a nice and if possible a prominent place.  We should show our children by our example that we love God.  When children are young they may not intellectually understand so much but the impressions that they see go deeply into their consciousness and mold their whole lives.  What we do will influence them, not what we say.  We should cook pure food stuffs in our house.  We should offer it to God in devotion so that eating it will sanctify our consciousness and the consciousness of our whole families.  Offer little worship, not as a ritual but as an offering of devotion.  When for instance, we offer the lamp, in reality we offer our heart’s love through this medium in devotion to God.  It is such a wonderful, beautiful and sublime process of meditation.  It is a meditation, not a ritual.  If it is done correctly and every day, it should raise our consciousness in the Holy Spirit. Read the Gita every day, and if possible, discuss it with your family members. Contemplate on what you read, and then you go to work.  Live pure life and follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat eating.

By Radhanath Swami

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