Radhanath Swami on Truth – A Universal Principle

Radhanath Swami on Truth-universal pricipal

Radhanath Swami on Truth-universal pricipal

Sincere people want to approach religion to learn how to love, to learn how to be good to others. All great religions, scriptures and true saints of the world end up at one subject matter—not being a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jew, or a Buddhist—but knowledge of ‘Truth.’ Truth cannot be different in
different places in different times. Truth is a universal principle. What we learn in colleges today are relative truths, which are very important in our practical everyday lives. How to be a good engineer or computer technologist or manager or businessperson? But what is the underlying truth? Where am I coming from? What is the goal of human life? Who am I? What is consciousness?

To understand the nature of consciousness within us is truth. Every part of our body is changing; even our mind is changing to some extent. But there is something constant throughout the changes, and that is our consciousness. Therefore, when we talk about religion we are not talking about beliefs, blind faith or a particular set of rituals. We are talking about that science which gives us an understanding and an experience of truth—the underlying truth within us and within all living beings. That truth harmonizes humanity and all living beings. Without that truth, all so-called harmony is superficial and is doomed to failure.

– Radhanath Swami

By RNS Articles

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