Radhanath swami – With every rising and setting of the sun

The most valuable thing we have is every precious moment that God has given us.  Time is priceless.  If we lose money, or estate, or reputation, then by hard work we can gain it back.  But one moment that is wasted, we cannot buy it back for all the wealth in the entire creation. Time… Continue reading Radhanath swami – With every rising and setting of the sun

Determination attracts higher powers by Radhanath Swami

The story is given of a sparrow who laid her eggs on a beach. Unfortunately, the ocean stole away her eggs. She vowed, “Ocean! If you don’t return my eggs I am going to dry you up.” The ocean simply roared back. So she began taking one drop at a time in her tiny beak… Continue reading Determination attracts higher powers by Radhanath Swami

Rain of God’s Mercy – Radhanath Swami

This material existence is like a burning forest fire. It is burning our hearts. Who would not say that their hearts are burning due to the anxieties of material life? All our attempts for relief and happiness in this world are consumed by this burning blazing fire. All of our successes and all of our… Continue reading Rain of God’s Mercy – Radhanath Swami

In the World, but not of the World

There is a famous saying, “Be in the world but not of the world.” This means the spiritual conception of life. We are above; we are transcendental to all the miseries, which are inevitable in the world.  Such a spiritual person alone can actually create peace on Earth. Because he or she can enliven and

Radhanath Swami on Culmination of all knowledge

We must cultivate philosophical knowledge in order to have a proper understanding by which we can proceed without being bewildered by the temptations of the world. We must become detached; we must give up those things that are contrary to our spiritual development. No matter how much we like them, no matter how much pleasure… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Culmination of all knowledge

Two Qualities that Attract God’s Mercy

Every step of our spiritual development is only by the grace of God. By simply and sincerely endeavoring to be the humble servant of the Lord, and following His principles and those given by the Guru and the great souls, we attract God’s mercy. We cannot cross over this ocean of material existence ourselves, but… Continue reading Two Qualities that Attract God’s Mercy

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