With every blooming of a flower, with every song of a bird, in both the sorrows and the joys of life, we can find great fulfillment if we are trying to understand what God is trying to teach us. Srila Prabhupada gave a very simple instruction which, if we follow, brings great fulfillment and excitement… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Seeing through our ears
Category: Personal Growth
Radhanath Swami on Endeavor and Destiny
Question: I read in Shrimad Bhagavatam that one should be satisfied with whatever he receives through his destiny. Does it mean that a person should just sit quietly and make no extra endeavor for progress?
Radhanath Swami on lesson from the Ocean
During the dry season, very little water comes from the river into the ocean. Does the ocean dry up? During the monsoons the river becomes several miles wide and billions of liters of water pour in every minute in the ocean. Does the ocean over-flood? The ocean is ever being filled but is always still.
Radhanath Swami on Culture
Culture is the humility, morality and the wisdom of the heart, expressed through life styles and arts. That is culture. Not how you dress or what music you listen to. One of Hitler’s number two men, Himmler:
Radhanath Swami on Grateful Heart
We can find real liberation and real satisfaction in this life and beyond! And that is why there are so many spiritual systems within the world. Religion comes from the Greek word religio, which means to bind back.
Radhanath Swami on Humility as Strength
A person who is humble, has some realization of God whereas a proud person has limited understanding about God. The Lord is unlimited, while the spirit soul is infinitesimal. As a result, the spirit soul has a little capacity to understand the unlimited features of the Lord.