Culture is the humility, morality and the wisdom of the heart, expressed through life styles and arts. That is culture. Not how you dress or what music you listen to. One of Hitler’s number two men,
Himmler: he was one of the master mind demons responsible for ordering and murdering tens and millions of innocent people. That was his work.
Nevertheless, in his private life he was considered to be such a cultured gentleman. He wore the finest clothes, he had all the mannerisms of politeness, the etiquette of speaking in nice respectful ways to others, and he knew how to eat according to the very aristocratic manners. He was a patron of the fine arts, he loved classical music and gave so much charity to promote classical music and poetry and theatre. From every materialistic way of looking at what we consider culture, he was a very cultured gentleman. He spoke sweetly and he did all the things that the high echelon’s cultural society respects and adores.
However in his heart, he was such a ruthless murderer that he tortured and slaughtered millions of innocent children, women, and helpless men even in old age. So true culture is not just about your lifestyle or art, but is essentially about your lifestyle and art actually embodying the principles of humility, morality and wisdom of the heart.
– Radhanath Swami
Wow. Thats a revealetion. My ideas about what culture is have completely been kicked away by Radhanath Swami for good. Thanks to you for maintaing this website which has been so helpful to me for understanding so many deeper aspects of life.
Agreed. What we are inside our hearts is what we really are. Radhanath Swami rightly highlights it here.
Agreed. True culture is not about externals but how our heart and live renders these eternal principles of humility, morality and wisdom of heart. Thank you Radhanath Swami for reminding this.
This was a very very striking article. Truly all that glitters is not gold!
Hari bol… thank you very much for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful article by Radhanath Swami on culture.
I have never seen a better example to illustrate this point – quite powerful article!
Hari Bol…. Such a great lesson, for having the right intensions for one another.
appearances are deceptive. an asura with a mask of a gentleman
I appreciate.. This is real meaning of culture. A complete paradigm shift about understanding culture.
This teaches one why he/she should take shelter of a spiritual master who actually gives true knowledge to his students
Radhanath swami has very nicely brought the real meaning of culture which is beyond the material qualification.
Wow. This explains throws light on the true definition of culture. very very nicely explained. All glories to Radhanath swami.
Too good. How wonderfully Radhanath Swami brings out what real culture is against the so-called culture of the modern society.
PAMHO. How nicely maharaj defined what is culture. Its amazing!
Real definition of culture. Thanks Maharaj.
Thank you Maharaj for really opening my eyes by throwing light on the real culture. Hare Krsna…
Radhanath Swami’s expertise to get to the essence of everything is something that never stops to amaze me.
In our apartment on Independence day celebration – we see everyone coming in the best of ethnic Indian dresses; however every aspect of the so called celebration is westernized – are we truly glorifying India?
Radhanath Swami has very nicely highlighted how external appearance of a person could be so much drastically different from his internal nature. We should always pray to the Lord that we imbibe the right culture.
My God. I had never heard of this story before. Thanks for sharing it.
Radhanath Swami has really presented culture in a perfect manner
In one of his lectures Maharaj says Phylosophy is a product & culture is package.if the product is good but if it is not packed properly it has no value. pls visit site
truely Maharaj Heart matters than mere outer look. Changing of one’s heart is the need of time today. This is possible by daily visiting the site where so many teachings are provided . Charges required: to spare some time of our life.
All Glories to most respected Guru Maharaj, HH Radhanath Swami.
True culture is really culture of loving relationships that are based on the spiritual platform, because only such relationships can satisfy us.
From his photos, we can see how much love and compassion he has for all living entities and this is very inspiring for me.
A new dimension of thought!! truly enlightening. Thanks. Similar thought provoking ideas can be seen in