Radhanath Swami on Death of a King

Our guru maharaj told us a story about a very wealthy king.  He lived just about 70 years ago in India near Rajasthan state. He had fabulous wealth, incredible amounts of power but was very sick.  On his death bed, he called his doctor. “There are so many things that I have left undone,” he… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Death of a King

Approaching Gita like Arjuna by Radhanath Swami

The sense of urgency, that submissiveness that Arjuna had when he approached Krishna is what is required for anyone to truly understand the Gita.  We must approach Gita in the same spirit as Arjuna.  Not as an entertainment but with an urgent need, with a desperate feeling that ‘I must understand what is truth. I… Continue reading Approaching Gita like Arjuna by Radhanath Swami

Two Qualities that Attract God’s Mercy

Every step of our spiritual development is only by the grace of God. By simply and sincerely endeavoring to be the humble servant of the Lord, and following His principles and those given by the Guru and the great souls, we attract God’s mercy. We cannot cross over this ocean of material existence ourselves, but… Continue reading Two Qualities that Attract God’s Mercy

Radhanath Swami on Hijacking of the soul

We’re on this wonderful airship of the human life traveling back home, back to God.  What maya, or illusion will do? She will send her hijackers, the six enemies—lust, envy, anger, pride, greed and delusion.  These are our enemies and they’re living right within our hearts and it’s their duty to somehow or other hijack… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Hijacking of the soul