Radhanath Swami on ‘Attracting Grace’



“Grace is all-pervading, just like the sunlight is all-pervading, but we have become so habituated to live in dark places.” – Radhanath Swami

For the treasure of divine love to awaken in our hearts,  to overcome the ahankar, the false ego, and to free ourselves from the shackles of endless selfish desires and fears, it’s only possible through grace. Why? Because there are powers beyond our intelligence, beyond our physical strength, beyond our will power that we are up against within this material manifestation.

This grace cannot be attained simply by our efforts. We could memorize entire scriptures, we could eat one grain of rice a day, we could sleep 5 min a day, we could build enormous temples, we could feed 1 million people, we could chant a billion names of God, but that doesn’t necessarily attract grace.

But when we are sincere, serious, humble and  are eager to serve the Supreme Lord and all living beings through Him, with no ulterior motives, then Krishna is eager; Srimati Radharani, the feminine potency, the source of all grace, is eager to deliver us.

You cannot digest food if you have no hunger. This is the principle of Ayurveda. Digestion is the key to good health and you can’t digest unless you are hungry. So similarly grace is everywhere. Grace is all-pervading, just like the sunlight is all-pervading, but we have become so habituated to live in dark places. In order to digest and assimilate that grace we have to be hungry for it. We are beggars for grace. We understand the need for grace.

– Radhanath Swami

By RNS Articles

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  1. Thank You so much Radhanath Swami for revealing the secret of attracting grace. !

  2. Thank you Radhanath Swami for letting us know the importance of being eager for grace with simple & humble heart & genuine service attitude..

  3. When we are sincere, serious, humble and are eager to serve the Supreme Lord and all living beings through Him, with no ulterior motives, then Krishna is eager; Srimati Radharani, the feminine potency, the source of all grace, is eager to deliver us. Thanks Radhanath swami ..

  4. we require grace of lord by doing sincerely our seva, and following principles of devotional service.

  5. Sincerity, seriousness and humility are the key to attract grace – not proud austerities, vain charities or conceited intellectual feats

  6. Very nice point. Unless one is hungry, he cannot digest. Unless we are desperate for the grace, we do not get the same. Thank You Maharaj for sharing the secret.

  7. HH Radhanath Swami’s explanation of “Grace” keeps one and all eagerly hanker for that grace!!! Thank you gurudev for creating that hunger within us.

  8. But when we are sincere, serious, humble and are eager to serve the Supreme Lord and all living beings through Him, with no ulterior motives, then Krishna is eager to deliver us…
    vary enlightening.

    Radhanath Swami stresses on these 3 things in any of his teachings.

    1. To be sincere.
    2. To be serious
    3. to be free from ulterior motives.

  9. This is what is needed..”In order to digest and assimilate that grace we have to be hungry for it”.

    Thank you Radhanath Swami for elaborating on this imp topic of grace

    1. Generally people are only hungry for good. Radhanath Swami shares a different kind of hunger.

  10. We get right things at the right time…just like reading this article when i need it the most!!! This is grace of Lord and his representatives. Thank you Radhanath Swami for such an unparallel explanation.

  11. A Very memorable example of recipient of grace is HH Radhanath Swami himself. He not only received this grace but he is also sharing with all of us just to save us too. From his memoir, we learn how he was so sincerely, humbly praying to Lord at every step of life for His Mercy. He has shown the path the of virtue by his beautiful example.

    1. True. The Journey Home book by Radhanath Swami is full of such examples of grace.

  12. Radhanath Swami has shown by his personal example that by being sincere, serious, humble and are eager one can achieve the mercy of the Lord.

  13. YES, we have to strive as a begger infront of the lord…thank you radhanath swami for sharing………….

  14. Radhanath swami has shared an amazing realization, that without service,sincere, serious, humble one cannot attract the grace of the lord. In one of the discourse Radhanath swami mentioned like radio waves are everywhere, but until you are tuned to that frequency you can’t hear it, same way the grace is everywhere until we are not tuned by being humble & doing service without alterior motivation we can’t get that grace.

  15. Many good lessons to learn from this lecture.Without grace of God, one’s life never be comes all successful. All glories to HH Radhanath Svami Maharaja.

  16. One feels elated and excited spiritually after going through even a small piece of an article by Radhanath Swami. He has mystical potency to narrate Krishna’s pastimes.

  17. Thanks for posting this wonderful article on the nature of grace & how it can be attended.

  18. Really thorough our quality sincere, seriousness and eagerness to serve Lord we acheive grace of Lord. Thank you radhanath swami for shearing nice article.

  19. Radhanath Swami always says we must beg for mercy, we must cry for mercy and we must plead for mercy. Thank you Maharaj for showing through your perfect example how grace can be attained by a sincere and serious practitioner who has no ulterior motives.

  20. Very very powerful, we should understand the need for grace and be hungry for it. Thank you very very much for sharing this powerful and realized fact.

  21. We have to humble like blade of grass,truly sincere and fully surrendered to mission of Lord Chaitanya to attract the grace of our spiritual master,all previous acharya and supremer lord Krishna!!

  22. If we are simply sincere, serious and without ulterior motives, we will certainly get the grace of the Lord and His unalloyed devotees who are very compassionate toward delivering every single living entity from this material world. Thank you very much Radhanath Swami for this great message.

  23. Our own efforts are nothing better than running into a thick wall of steel while pursuing our goals.Power of grace however has ability to pierce this wall and make us achieve our goal

  24. Thanks for this wonderful article. The way to achieve grace is sincere, serious and eager to serve other.

  25. Thank you very much to our dear most swamiji. I beg and pray for this grace to bless me with the desire to hanker for this grace…

  26. Without grace of God, one’s life never be comes all successful. All glories to HH Radhanath Svami Maharaja.

  27. Eye-opening article on how to beg for the grace of the Lord. It’s so true that nothing is possible without the grace and mercy of the Lord. Hope we can serve selflessly to attract the mercy of Srimati Radharani and in turn the mercy of the Lord.

  28. Eager, sincere and humble heart with attitude to serve Lord and his representatives are the only qualifying qualities which is needed to receive His Grace

  29. HH Radhanath Swami very gracefully mentions in this article that without the grace of God we can not succeed.

  30. Thank you maharaj for this brilliant article. We surely cannot digest food unless we have hunger.

  31. It is a very heart inspiring, enlightening and profound article which gives great understanding!

  32. “We are beggars for grace” – what a revelation! Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for this illuminating article!

  33. Yes in so many literature’s our Acharya’s beg mercy (Kripa) to attend the Grace of Superiors.The grace comes when one becomes humble and grateful and without Grace of the Superiors and The Supreme Personality Of Godhead no progress in spiritual life is possible.Very nice article.

  34. Thank you Radhanath swami for this wonderful post on the power of grace that can be attracted by cultivating the qualities of humility, sincerity and compassion in our devotional life.

  35. Thank you Radhanath swami for this wonderful insight saying that unless we are eager and hungry for the grace of lord, we can not receive that grace.

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