For instance, if I go the top of the building and I jump. While I am in the air, what is my fate? To hit the ground and die. It’s my fate. I can’t change my fate once I have made in air. But if I didn’t jump then I would not have that fate.… Continue reading Radhanath Swami – What do we mean by fate?
Author: RNS Articles
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Relative and Absolute Truth by Radhanath Swami
Relative truth means that each truth is interdependent on the previous truth to exist. Why do we call our family members relatives? Because we are relative to one another. My father is relative to my relative. My existence is relative to his existence, and his existence is relative to his father’s existence. We are all… Continue reading Relative and Absolute Truth by Radhanath Swami
Does God Give Freedom ?
God gives freedom. If God didn’t give us freedom, if God simply programmed us to love, then we would be a computer. But God gives us the freedom to love Him, or love anybody else, or hate Him or betray Him, rebel against Him. We have the freedom to do whatever we want. We can go… Continue reading Does God Give Freedom ?
Radhanath Swami on Helping the poor
Radhanath Swami on Helping the poor What is the definition of poor? Those who are poor in heart are really poor; they are really suffering. Those who are poor physically, they do not really suffer as much. 90% of the suicides in this world are not by the poor but by the rich, who have… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Helping the poor
Radhanath Swami proves Is there a God ?
Is everything coming from something or is everything coming from nothing? Now, in our scientific investigation and in our practical perception of world around us, have we ever have found anything coming from nothing ? Where do we come from? From our father and mother. Where did they come from? Their father and mother. Where does… Continue reading Radhanath Swami proves Is there a God ?
Radhanath Swami’s Article on Experiencing Spirituality
Theory without experience and realization is useless. I was speaking recently to a prestigious man having two PhDs from Cornell University.
Radhanath Swami’s Article on Love Gives, Greed Takes
People are passing out of colleges with all sorts of big, wonderful, fancy degrees but they are greedy. They use all of their big education simply to fulfill their greed. Their greed is never satisfied; they are frustrated and make a mess out of the society. Is that what we want?
Peace is within, not without by Radhanath Swami
I have seen people who live in beautiful apartments worth sometimes 5 – 6 million dollars. They have security guards and chauffeurs, but they can’t even sleep at night. They are so frustrated that they have to take sleeping pills just to forget the reality of their life. Yet society has duped them in such… Continue reading Peace is within, not without by Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami’s Article on Do Unto Others
Eating non-vegetarian food is not conducive to the positive progress of our consciousness. Part of the reason for non-vegetarian food diet is our selfishness. No one is thinking in terms of others. The golden rule is, Do unto others as you would like them to do to you.