Unity of individual souls is very difficult in this world. There have been many attempts, but as long as we have separate interests our unity is superficial, artificial and has no real substance.Take for example the United Nations. The United Nations was formed after a great World War because the nations of the world were fighting over property; there were hundreds and thousands of lives killed to know who was the proprietor. But even after the United Nations was formed,there was the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the war between Pakistan and India, war amongst African nations, the war between Iraq and Iran, the war within Ireland, etc. There have been wars all over the world and practically all of these countries are members of the United Nations.Their coming together to try to unite is in terms of thinking—what my country can get out of this unity. It is all based on an illusion that I am this body and this land where I was born is mine.
According to God, He is the only proprietor of everything – sarvo loka mahesvaram. We should unite on this principle that God is the only supreme enjoyer, we are all His servants, and thus we should all work together to execute His will. Otherwise there is no question of unity or peace.
By Radhanath Swami
The self centered approach starting from nations to nations, state to state , city to city , family and they what is really mine can never lead to unity and peace.
Thank you Maharaj for teaching us how Unity can come when there is one center who is equal to everyone and satisfying him will bring real peace ie the supreme Lord.
Thank you very much MAHARAJ for simply and clearly explaining the peace formula.we are sincerely going to cultivate and practice this. please bless us
Amazing article showing how peace in the world can be obtained, only by understanding that Krishna is the Proprietor of everything.
In this age of kali only holy name can give us peace and every one who fallows this unitedly gain peace. thanks to Radhanath swami
Aslo Visit – http://www.radhanathswami.co
Spiritual unity is the wonderful unity. Thank you Maharaj to give such valuable guidance.All glories to Radhanath swami.
Wonderful realisation, wonderful !
If present leaders realise this fact (Sarva loka Mahesvaram), they will be no issues at all on this earth. Every thing and every body is peaceful.
All Glories to HH Radhanath swami maharaj.
Thank you so much Maharaj for enlighten us.
thank you for sharing
Such a wonderful definition of Unity. Thank you Maharaj.
thks 4 sharing this wonderful pastime…
Thank you Radhanath swami for giving us the definition of real unity.
truly enlightening
One of the biggest issues in the world now is relationships.i.e., relationship of individuals in families and in the professional world. These probelms can be solved only if the focus shifts from “me” to “God”.
many thanks for sharing this part of your life dear RADHANATH SWAMI
Thank you Radhanath Swami for sharing this article on Unity
Unity is conspicuous by its absence in this day and age.
A very profound explanation, thank you radhanath swami for sending this post!
Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj. You have practially demonstrated in your life how to unite thousands and millions people around the world, from different social, economic, cultural, educational background with God as THE center.
Concept of unity fails in material parlance but how can such unity be achieved in spiritual realm has been so wonderfully explained by Radhanath Swami. Thank you….
thanks.. nice explaination.
Knowing the truth is not possible by oneself, but through the guidance of an authority. Radhanath Swami is an authority. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
Its important who is heading projects like United Nations to create unity and peace across the world else the whole thing becomes a show.
Very Important for Spiritual Progress
Excellent analysis and explaination by Radhanath Swami on this issue of unity in peace.
Very true. In corporate world we see so much politics back biting people r waiting for an opportunity to bring you down there is no place where u could be happy in this world. Only place where we can feel love and peace is in a community where God is accepted as Supreme
Thank you
amazing…insight giving and faith deepeing realization..
very very enlightening article. Thank you very much!
Thank you Radhanath Swami for underlining the principle about the existence of a Universal Father.
Wonderful article – There cannot be universal brotherhood without accepting universal father – The Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thanks a lot Maharaj for the enlighening article.
H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj has nicely explained why there is no unity in this world. We can stay united only when we accept God as our master, Saviour and friend. Thank you Maharaj.
Radhanath Swami Maharaj reveals that we can’t stay united unless we accept God as the Supreme Master!
very rightly said by swamiji. Many thanks for sharing this.
Brilliant Article!!!
Radhanath Swami very beautifully explains that only God can be the unifying force for this whole world- all other attempts are doomed to failure.
Its clear to me that the powers in this world DO NOT want to solve all problems. Because they are prospering on others’ problems. This makes the genuine spiritualists task all the more difficult and hence glorious. Radhanath Swami is the revolutionary who with his patience and enthusiasm continues to lead the way to spiritual elevation of all mankind.
Thank You Sumit. Your comment presents a beautiful analogy.
Great message from Radhanath Swami. Just like in a family, if everyone agrees to father, there is peace and happiness, the same way if we all make the Lord as the focus of our lives, we will be peaceful.
Thank you Radhanath swami for sharing this. Radhanath swami also teaches that this disunity is presenmt not only at international level but also at local levels in a community and within a family
True! Unity can come only if we adopt a Higher principle and give up discrimnation of Caste,Creed, Race,Country.We should unite on principles of Soul-to- Soul Connection
Yes without knowing who is The Supreme Propriter and Serving Him unitedly there won’t be any peace in this world where every individual is motivated with selfish desire and consider themselves what they are not.Thank you very much for giving few but poweful lines.
thank you for such a wonderful article
Radhanath Swami Maharaj gives the perfect solution to all the struggle & strife in this world!
Having common interests is the key to lasting and quality cooperation
What Radhanath given here is very essential for having universal brotherhood. With out accepting universal father who is the proprietor of everything, we can never achieve universal brotherhood
This is a very straight forward & simple answer to all the complex issues of this world. Thank you Radhanath Maharaj for your wonderful insight.
Srila Prabhupada, the spiritual master of Radhanath Swami very rightly said, “there is no universal brotherhood without accepting a common father”. Srila Prabhupada said that there are many names for that father like Rama, Krishna, Allah, Jehovah etc; but the main name is Krishna which means all attractive.
Maharaj knows everything and he knows when and how to speak his wisdom and realisation.
Great thought.
Simplest peace formula….
Excellent explanation!! thanks for sharing this.
true for people to work together they must have a common center
Thanks for sharing. In service we unity.
Thank you Maharaj for reminding me the peace formula: Bhagavad Gita As It is 5.29.
The real peace through KC ~~
Thank you so much Radhanath Swami for putting together this peace plan and explaining us how to really come together for a common theme
Wonderful article, please keep such postings.
Practical solution given by Swamiji
Radhanath Swami Maharaj gives formula for true peace…..
So true, Radhanath Swami speaks such wise words..thanks for sharing!
Ultimately it is service to Lord Krishna that matters, everything else will be finished. Still we fight for such temporary things – it is amazing.
It’s quite amazing that when we think about it, all problems boil down to thinking that we are this body and that the body can give us happiness.
Herein lies the solution to all World problems—-recognizing the true proprietorship of the Lord.
Thank you very much for sharing the words of Radhanath Swami “We should unite on this principle that God is the Supreme Enjoyer, we are all his servants, and thuswe should all work together to execute his will. Otherwise there is no question of unity or peace.”
Radhanath Maharaj has revealed such a profound truth about this material world. I totally agree that unless we all accept the authority of God, there cannot be any lasting unity and peace.
Very instructive article……
amazingly true!
such a beautiful insight on aspect of Unity.
When I read about the cause of the World Wars, I was amazed that their cause was something utterly childish. They were not fought to uphold for any higher principle, but just to satisfy the bloated egos of some fanatic nationalists. Radhanath Swami reminds us of those horrible times and warns us lest we again create those circumstances.
Radhanath Swami is giving the key to the treasure of real peace. Thank You Very Much Maharaj.
All the so called unions / unities are just to fulfill their selfish desires. United nations is biggest example of this. real uity is when everyone joins to selflessly love and serve the Lord.
Radhanath Swami gives the real meaning of unity – when our intrests are same, loving devotional service to Krishna.
Very enlightening!
There is no question of unity unless there is a common centre – God
“We should unite on this principle that God is the Supreme Enjoyer, we are all his servants, and thuswe should all work together to execute his will. Otherwise there is no question of unity or peace.” The words of Maharaj can easily be realised if even if we see the past history. Thank you Maharaj.
When people follow the instructions of saintly people such as Radhanath Swami, we can be rid of so many problems the world is facing today.
Very nice article
God is the Supreme Enjoyer, we are all his servants, and thus we should all work together to execute his will. Real peace formula, thanks to Radhanath Swami.
Thought provoking article for all leaders of the world
Beautiful article by Radhanath Swami.He gives real meaning of unity and how to achieve it.
Radhanath Swami Maharaj is a great source of inspiration for bringing peace and harmony in this world by living by example. Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai
Excellent solution for bringing peace and harmony in this world. HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai
This is a wonderful article!
HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj gives the formula for real peace and harmony
Thanks for this enlighten article Maharaj.
A god-centric life is must for unity in this world
This important message must be broadcast to the leaders of this world so that they are well-guided in their attempt to bring in Unity.
Radhanath Swami so beautifully discerned the illusion of uniting with ulterior motives
Thank You Radhanath Maharaj for explaining nicely about the unity.
Thanks Maharaj was giving us the solution for peaceful world. It is very difficult because all of us are working in unitedness with the expectation of what will I benefit from this. This is not unity, selfishness under the cover of unity. If we all understand who is the proprietor and work for the pleasure of Him, then there will be peace. Thanks for explaining this Maharaj.
Swamiji herein gives the Peace formula for uniting the whole world….
Conflict is the very nature of this world from Nations to a family & that can only be resolved when one makes Krsna the centre ,By hearing from Saintly personalities like Maharaj whose words have power to change the hearts of people.
Such a simple yet powerful statement – no unity without a common center. And the common center can only be God.
Thank you Radhanath Swami for enlightening us with this root cause of all the conflicts. If only we all can understand and practice that lord Krishna is the Supreme Proprietor, the Supreme Enjoyer and The Supreme Controller…. it will end all the conflicts at once.
Radhanath Swami has very convincingly spoken about the need of spiritual brotherhood to be the basic unifying force amongst different nations, communities. Only then can there be any true & lasting peace in the world.