Radhanath Swami’s Article on Freeing Our Heart of Darkness

Radhanath Swami on Freeing our heart of darkness

When the big dark cloud of ignorance enters into our lives and covers the full moon of God’s presence in our hearts, it leaves our entire life and the whole world in darkness. What is within reflects in everything without. A person’s consciousness within is manifested everywhere through his or her eyes, ears, and all of the senses. If we see the beauty of God within our own lives, we see the beauty of God everywhere through our senses. But if there is darkness in our hearts, if we are forgetful of God, then we will see only darkness everywhere. This is a beautiful lesson to be learnt. When our hearts are free of the clouds of our ignorant ways of thinking, we perceive everything as it is like a clear visible autumn night. Let the moon of God come into our hearts to dispel all darkness and fear. Let our mind be like the skies clear from these clouds. When we perceive that all the living beings are like brilliant illuminant stars and God as the full moon, then there is actual beauty and love in our lives.

By Radhanath Swami
