Whatever God does is perfect and complete. What is most perfect? It is pure, unmotivated, uninterrupted love—nothing is more perfect than that. When scriptures explain that
Author: RNS Articles
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Ideal Taxes – Radhanath Swami
We never hear the sun taking any bribes. But, nowadays we know that nothing is going to be provided for me unless I bribe. What does this mean? This means that the leaders are not God conscious, they are not ruling on behalf of God…
Radhanath Swami’s Article on God in Vedic Scriptures
In the Bible and in the Qur’an we find that God is scolding all sinners of this earth. Sometimes He throws down fire and brings storms to destroy entire civilization. Sometime He uses
Yoga of Work – Radhanath Swami
Yoga means to reconnect our consciousness with God, and the yoga of work is to connect our work with God. How do we connect our work with God? By doing it in proper spiritual consciousness. It is not that we have to
Radhanath Swami – Enjoy Eternal Peace
There is temporary mental peace of material world and there is the eternal peace of the spiritual world. That is what God wants every one of His children to enjoy. It comes to the extent that we surrender to Him. The illusion in the world is to
Radhanath Swami – Love and Peace
Recently some one told me that they were meditating and they were finding great peace in this meditation. I told them this is very nice, but this not at all what we want. We do not care for peace. We want love. The perfection of life is not simply a neutral condition of peace, but love. Love means
Radhanath Swami’s Article on Supreme Goal of Yoga
As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the transcendent self. (Gita 6:19) Krishna is explaining here the true meaning of yoga. Yoga means
Guru gives God’s Grace – Radhanath Swami
A real guru teaches according to the previous masters. He is the humble servant of his guru. His teaching process is very simple. If we find someone, who is teaching surrender to God, is coming in a line of
Work in Divine Consciousness
Many people say that work is worship. They feel that if they do not do anything harmful to anyone and work throughout the day that is all they have to do. They do not have to just sit at one place and think the name of