Radhanath Swami describes a rare ornament

  “The service that is most pleasing to Bhagavan is when we make sacrifices without selfishness, out of compassion, for others within this world.” – Radhanath Swami There is a beautiful story in the Bhagavatam Purana about Mahadev, lord Shiva. Once upon a time when the devas and the asuras were churning the ocean of… Continue reading Radhanath Swami describes a rare ornament

Radhanath Swami’s humorous description of Hanuman’s yoga

  “This is Hanuman’s yoga: giving pleasure to Lord Rama.”- Radhanath Swami My guru Srila Prabhupad used to say that our beloved Lord does not see the things that we offer. He is Sarvalokamaheshwaram. (Krishna tells in the Gita that he is already the proprietor and the source of everything that exists.) However, the Lord… Continue reading Radhanath Swami’s humorous description of Hanuman’s yoga

Radhanath Swami glorifies the beautiful heart of St. Francis

  “When we adapt this most beautiful expression of love within our life, everything we do in this consciousness is most pleasing to the Lord.”- Radhanath Swami Recently I was in Assisi, the place of St. Francis. It is described that he was not good looking; he had a curved spine. He was always very… Continue reading Radhanath Swami glorifies the beautiful heart of St. Francis

Radhanath Swami advices us to be in this world, but not of this world!

  “To serve God, Krishna, to serve society better, we are willing to fly in airplanes, we are willing to live in palaces, we are willing to wear nice clothes, we are willing to drive in cars, and we are willing to use Blackberries, Apples, Microsoft and everything else. It is not from these things… Continue reading Radhanath Swami advices us to be in this world, but not of this world!

Radhanath Swami reveals the secret of happiness

Chipped rice, how much does it cost? It’s very cheap and unless you put some really exotic things in it, it doesn’t taste very nice. In those days when I used to be a sadhu begging in Himalayas, people would give me a handful of chipped rice because it practically costs nothing. But when you… Continue reading Radhanath Swami reveals the secret of happiness

Radhanath Swami speaks of visionaries, who were visually Impaired

“We can’t really tell the greatness of a person until they are put in challenging situations.”- Radhanath Swami   In the town of Satara, Maharashtra, on the banks of the Krishna and Vena Rivers lived a blind man, Bilvamangala Thakur, famous as Lila Sukha. He had such deep devotion to Krishna. He was seeing, not… Continue reading Radhanath Swami speaks of visionaries, who were visually Impaired

Radhanath Swami speaks of the responsibilities of doctors

  “There is a saying in English, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ Disease is a time of great need.”- Radhanath Swami. Generally, a person comes to a doctor when they are helpless. Otherwise, why go to a doctor, if you can fix yourself? Why pay money? Why do all the traveling? Why take… Continue reading Radhanath Swami speaks of the responsibilities of doctors