Radhanath Swami hints on whom we should get attached to

The great sages describe the nature of attachment. Attachment cannot be killed; it has simply to be transferred. “Consciousness is the platform of attachment. Desireless-ness is not possible for a living entity. A living entity, by constitution, has the propensity to be attached to something.” – Radhanath Swami We see that if someone has no… Continue reading Radhanath Swami hints on whom we should get attached to

Radhanath Swami on ‘The Yoga of Everything’

  “As a person approaches God, Krishna, he reciprocates accordingly. If we give all of our heart to Krishna, Krishna gives himself to us.”-Radhanath Swami The capacity of what we have to give to Krishna, in relation to infinity, is a drop. But yet that drop, when it is offered with love, it is more… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on ‘The Yoga of Everything’

Radhanath Swami recommends vegetarianism

Edmund Burke, a British statesmen, he had said that there can be nothing that can help evil to be triumphant as when good people don’t do anything. “Activism, compassionate activism, to bring education and awareness to people is so critically important today.”- Radhanath Swami Almost all of us are aware of the incredible statistics that… Continue reading Radhanath Swami recommends vegetarianism

Radhanath Swami explains the nature of the conscious force

  “Vedanta sutra explains that the nature of the conscious force, the soul, is to seek pleasure.” – Radhanath Swami According to the influences of nature, according to the guna we are situated in, we are trying to find pleasure in various ways: some people find pleasure in beating and killing others, some people find… Continue reading Radhanath Swami explains the nature of the conscious force

Radhanath Swami says that we are all looking for love

  “The soul by nature, constitutionally and eternally, is meant to love. And that is why the world is so mad to express love, to channel this propensity to love someone, somewhere and somehow.” – Radhanath Swami What kind of songs do most people listen to? What kind of novels do most people read? What… Continue reading Radhanath Swami says that we are all looking for love

Radhanath Swami says that the detached cannot be controlled

  “You can only exploit a person who is attached to selfish enjoyment. You cannot exploit a person who is detached.”- Radhanath Swami How do you exploit someone? You give them the temptations, you bewildered their intelligence, and then you have them under your control. Or you create within their heart a great fear that… Continue reading Radhanath Swami says that the detached cannot be controlled

Radhanath Swami speaks of the archa form of the Lord

  “How great are the Sanskrit Literature. They teach us that in order to facilitate our meditation on the Lord, our service to the Lord, and especially our creating communities of cooperative efforts for the pleasure of the Lord, the Lord can manifest within his own material energy, not just symbolically, but factually.” – Radhanath… Continue reading Radhanath Swami speaks of the archa form of the Lord

Radhanath Swami on ‘Watering the root’

When you water the root of the tree, the water naturally extends to every leaf, every branch, every twig and every flower of that tree. The Absolute Truth is from whom everything emanates, in other words the Absolute Truth is the root. When we water the root the tree of our heart, when we actually… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on ‘Watering the root’

Radhanath Swami says we all have infinite significance!

One of my dearest god sisters who was like a mother to me, she was on her death bed in London. I left from Mumbai to go to visit her. By God’s grace I happened to just come the day before she passed away. A very independent, active , dynamic lady who loved to get… Continue reading Radhanath Swami says we all have infinite significance!

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