Manmade Illusion

Many times people visit amusement parks, stand in lines and pay so much money just to see a robotically-animated historical personality deliver a speech. Why do people stand in a line? All around them are so many people blinking their eyes, moving their hands and speaking. What’s going on inside…

Miracle of Nature – Radhanath Swami

Miracle of Nature – Radhanath Swami

Everything we have is coming from the earth. Our bodies, food, homes, even our computers and books are all coming from earth. A little boy gave me a beautiful lotus flower. What a beautiful

Everything we have is coming from the earth. Our bodies, food, homes, even our computers and books are all coming from earth. A little boy gave me a beautiful lotus flower. What a beautiful

Radhanath Swami’s Article on Miracle of God

Radhanath Swami on Miracle of God

No man could ever imitate what God has done. What can we create? What can we maintain? What can we destroy? To what extent? How are the planets floating in perfect order? How is the sun lighting up the sky in all directions in the entire universe? How are all creatures on