In the Holy Scriptures, it is explained that the human body is a chariot. There are five horses representing the five senses that are pulling this chariot. The rope represents mind, because mind is meant to control the senses. The driver holding the ropes is the human intelligence, which is meant to direct the mind. … Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Chariot of the body
Radhanath Swami on Endeavor and Destiny
Question: I read in Shrimad Bhagavatam that one should be satisfied with whatever he receives through his destiny. Does it mean that a person should just sit quietly and make no extra endeavor for progress?
Radhanath Swami on Work according to our qualities
Krishna describes in the Gita that He created the caste system according to one’s qualities and the work one does in the world. Nowhere does Krishna categorize caste by birth. Of course if one is born in the family of doctors, the atmosphere is more conducive for one to be a doctor. Butunless he or… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Work according to our qualities
Radhanath Swami on Strength of humility
How do we become strong? One way is by lifting weights. Lifting weights means to struggle against a force. Gravity is pulling the weights down, and we are trying to pull them up. It’s a struggle, it’s a strain. Similarly, the law of nature in this material world is to make everybody proud, to infatuate everyone’s… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Strength of humility
Radhanath Swami on Truth – A Universal Principle
Sincere people want to approach religion to learn how to love, to learn how to be good to others. All great religions, scriptures and true saints of the world end up at one subject matter—not being a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jew, or a Buddhist—but knowledge of ‘Truth.’
Radhanath Swami on lesson from the Ocean
During the dry season, very little water comes from the river into the ocean. Does the ocean dry up? During the monsoons the river becomes several miles wide and billions of liters of water pour in every minute in the ocean. Does the ocean over-flood? The ocean is ever being filled but is always still.
Radhanath Swami on Worthy Goal
People make goals, strive with such determination and perform such great sacrifices—for what? For things that are so flickering and temporary that any moment there is the danger of losing everything
that we dedicated our lives for.
Radhanath Swami on Culture
Culture is the humility, morality and the wisdom of the heart, expressed through life styles and arts. That is culture. Not how you dress or what music you listen to. One of Hitler’s number two men, Himmler:
Radhanath Swami on Simple living, high thinking
Plain living and a high thinking are recommended for everyone. Simplicity means to find balance in our life by which our mind, our body are in the most optimum condition.