Tolerating the heat of the sun, the cold snow of the winter, the wind and rain in the monsoons, the tree is simply supplying all benefits to others:supplying shade to us, while it suffers in the sun; supplying firewood to warm us, while it suffers in the freezing winter. Although it stands alone without a home…
Tag: radhanath swami
The Honeybee and the Fly
The honeybee flies from one flower to the next, drinking only the sweetness and the essence of the nectar of that flower without disturbing the flower in the slightest, and then going to the next flower and drinking the nectar there. So, we have much to learn from the honeybee; it is teaching us the… Continue reading The Honeybee and the Fly
Swan-like Persons
A swan can separate milk from a mixture of milk and water. Also, its mind is fixed on attaining the nectar in the whorl of the lotus flower. Pure-hearted human beings devoted to
Calm Caves
It is interesting how in both Eastern and Western spirituality great renounced persons would often perform their prayer and worship in the caves of the mountains. It is in the spirit of simplicity and renunciation—simplicity in that it’s completely natural, it is provided by God Himself. There is no need to…
Real Medicine
In material life, there are natural insurmountable catastrophes. A few years ago in India, in Gujarat there was a massive earthquake. Tens and thousands of people died in just a matter of minutes. The earthquake lasted for only45 seconds. Millions of dollars worth damage occurred and thousands…
The Power of Inquiry
One great saintly personality remarked that everyone spends their lives within a series of questions and answers. When a bird rises in the morning, it begins asking questions and searching for answers. When it comes back to the nest at night, it is still asking questions and trying to…
Hope in Pain
Whatever God does is ultimately a miracle for our pleasure. Even the punishments are ultimately for our pleasure even though they may cause pains in our bodies. Biologically, what is pain? Different nerve endings go through certain transformations that create signals, which come out as pain. It is an unbelievable creation…
Deity and Omnipresent God
Many times people ask, “If God is omnipresent, why worship a Deity?” If God is omnipresent, is He not present in the Deity as well? If we are honest and realistic, we can very easily understand that to fix our mindon God who is present every where and in everything…
Love Means to Give
The essential need within every living being is to seek pleasure. What do people do for pleasure? Now, different types of living entities have different standards of pleasure and they work in different ways to achieve them. For a little ant, the pleasure …