Love of God is dormant in everyone’s heart, but we have forgotten it. All problems and conflicts in the world are due to this forgetfulness. Our minds and senses have become so externalized that the treasure of love for/of God within our hearts has been forgotten…
Tag: radhanath swami
The Peace Prayer
What is the true nature of peace? Peace is not simply the absence of war. Peace must exist within us first, then, we can give it to others and create a world of peace. We live in a time when our lives are disturbed, our environment is polluted, our relationships are distorted by …
Forgiveness, Love and Leadership
When you have a grudge against someone or when you hate someone, if you introspect, you’ll find that the whole experience is burning your heart; it’s burning your consciousness; it’s painful, it’s contaminating. But as soon as you are able to forgive, you are liberated from that. Forgiveness is actually a beautiful…
Real Leadership
There are many books that teach you various leadership techniques to fatten your bank balance, to climb up the corporate ladder, to have more power, to control people’s lives and to inflate your ego accordingly. But what about a type of leadership by which we can make a very serious, significant contribution…
The Power of Time
Take a glass filled with a fizzy drink, maybe Sprite. What do you see on the surface? Lot of small bubbles that fizzle out in a few seconds. Govinda Dasa, a Bengali poet, has said that our life in this world is as temporary and insignificant as a bubble of water on a lotus petal. Hence, the scriptures tell…
Manmade Illusion
Many times people visit amusement parks, stand in lines and pay so much money just to see a robotically-animated historical personality deliver a speech. Why do people stand in a line? All around them are so many people blinking their eyes, moving their hands and speaking. What’s going on inside…
Entangling Web
The network of material illusion has been created with great sophistication. Every time we deviate from the principle of servitude, we become more and more entangled in the complexities of material bondage. It is a vicious cycle. Every thought, word and deed, performed in an…
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap
Life is so shallow, so superficial and actually very lonely when you have so much, but you don’t really know who loves you and who doesn’t, and who is using you. On the other hand, persons who are loved for their integrity and their compassion, are actually respected. There is substance and realness…
There is a story of a boy who had a good heart. Once this boy saw a caterpillar in his garden. He began to carefully observe it. He found that the caterpillar was in a difficult situation. It was bound by a cocoon and was struggling to release itself from this cocoon. It strove very hard to come out of it…