As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

Life is so shallow, so superficial and actually very lonely when you have so much, but you don’t really know who loves you and who doesn’t, and who is using you. On the other hand, persons who are loved for their integrity and their compassion, are actually respected. There is substance and realness…

The Honeybee and the Fly

The honeybee flies from one flower to the next, drinking only the sweetness and the essence of the nectar of that flower without disturbing the flower in the slightest, and then going to the next flower and drinking the nectar there. So, we have much to learn from the honeybee; it is teaching us the… Continue reading The Honeybee and the Fly

Calm Caves

It is interesting how in both Eastern and Western spirituality great renounced persons would often perform their prayer and worship in the caves of the mountains. It is in the spirit of simplicity and renunciation—simplicity in that it’s completely natural, it is provided by God Himself. There is no need to…

The Quest for Truth

Sometimes it is said that man is a rational animal. Now, if you take away the rationality, man is an animal. Now, what does it mean to be rational? Rational means to be able to discriminate what is truth. If we do not live for the truth, if we do not live on the basis… Continue reading The Quest for Truth