Radhanath Swami on ‘Personal Parmatma’

  “As Paramatma, he, Krishna, is personally yours, 24 hrs a day.”- Radhanath Swami There are unlimited living beings. Consider every insect, plant, tree, grass, animal, bird, microbe, bacteria, and germ! How many living beings are there in the body? We can’t even count those. What to speak of entire …

Radhanath Swami on ‘Mosquito Airlines’

“The miracles of nature are the miracles of God. There’s a philosophical lesson in every situation of life if we’re receptive.” – Radhanath Swami We could be thrilled when we feel mosquitoes biting us, if we meditate on what an incredible invention it is. The mosquito flies, and man has made airplanes. …

Radhanath Swami on ‘Oneness in the Bhakti tradition’

Every living being is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord Krishna, like a sunray to the sun. Qualitatively a sunray gives heat and light like the sun, but quantitatively the sunray is always just part of the sun; it’s never the sun. And the sunray is always coming from the sun; the …

Radhanath Swami on Pain-ananda

Sometimes, the ecstasy of love is in pain. But when in spiritual love that pain is in ecstasy. When pain is due to frustration or ego or frustrated selfish desires, that pain is pain. But when pain is born out of unselfish compassion, with a spirit of service and love, …

Radhanath Swami on ‘Attracting Grace’

  “Grace is all-pervading, just like the sunlight is all-pervading, but we have become so habituated to live in dark places.” – Radhanath Swami For the treasure of divine love to awaken in our hearts,  to overcome the ahankar, the false ego, and to free ourselves from the shackles of …